This is a special episode. ?In this session, I was very honored to interview long time strength coach, movement expert, and former competitive athlete,?Mark Reifkind.
You?ll learn a ton in this information packed interview, where we discuss the theme of?strength?training over the age of 40.
Mark has extensive experience, as an athlete and an elite strength and performance coach. ?The knowledge and passion he shares is unbelievable.
Here?s just a few samples of what we cover in this episode:
The difference between training for health and training for performance.
What is the unique blend of training and skill development that the kettlebell offers?
What type of training methods are best as we age to prevent ?breakdown.?
What is ?length-tension? and why is this important?
Discover the 7 primal movement patterns.
The #1 most important thing we need to remember in exercise training.
Should people over 40 train heavy?
2 specific actions you can take after listening to the interview?
And (seriously) so much more!
Get your notepad and pen ready to learn from a man with over 40 years in the trenches of athletic training and performance. ?Make sure you listen all the way through to take it all in.
Subscribe to the podcast!??>>>>>click here.
SHOW NOTES (things discussed in this episode).
You can find out more about Mark on his website, ?Mark?s DVD?s are Restoring Lost Physical Function, Lats, The Super Muscle, and Mastering the Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing. ?
The upcoming workshop in South Florida this January is Grumpy Old Men: Training Over the Age of 40 by Mark Reifkind, Dan John, and Tom Furman. ?Learn to train properly as we ?mature.? ?This is a workshop not to be missed! ?(Please note:?I have no affiliation with this workshop, I just believe this is an outstanding learning opportunity.)
If you don?t have it, get the great book, The Swing by Mark?s awesome wife, Tracy. She is truly an inspiration to all of us!
And, the book I am currently reading on the topic of ?practice? is Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better?by Doug Lemov et al.
To learn more about primitive movement and Primal Move, click here.
Please SHARE this valuable episode!
And, make sure you enter your email above to get much more great information and updates, including instant access to the Stealth Fat Loss Report right now! ?See you on the inside.
Gold Glove Awards were announced last night. I didn?t see them when they came out because I was doing important things like watching ?Serenity? for the tenth time. Shiny.
Look, I?m not going to pretend that I have any way to measure defense that is any better than what anyone else has. Quite worse, in fact, as I don?t have nearly the grasp on the relevant defensive metrics that the experts and many of you guys sling around. ?When I talk about defense it?s almost always based on the eyeball test, because it?s really all I got. To the extent I have any authority on it ? and I don?t claim to have much if any ? it?s because I tend to watch a lot of baseball.
All of that said, if anyone can explain to me how Adam Jones is a better outfielder than Mike Trout, J.J. Hardy is a better shortstop than Brendan Ryan and Jimmy Rollins is a better shortstop than Brandon Crawford ? who wasn?t even nominated, by the way ? I?d really like to hear your arguments.
Otherwise: eh. The Gold Glove voters (i.e. random coaches who watch less of the other 29 baseball teams than most serious baseball fans and dedicated baseball writers do) have had worse years than this. ?Years so bad that, by this point, it?s silly to even work up any bile over these things. If anything I?m disappointed that the awards weren?t worse because at least then we could have fun with them.
LONDON (Reuters) - Former UBS traderKweku Adoboli told a London court on Tuesday he had "lost control" of his trading in the summer of 2011 but insisted he never acted dishonestly in the frantic weeks that resulted in losses of $2.3 billion.
Adoboli also attacked the culture of investment banks, arguing that compliance rules were "aspirational" and that traders knew they had to bend rules to achieve the goals set by senior management.
The 32-year-old British-educated Ghanaian, who used to be a senior trader on the Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) desk at UBS's London offices, was arrested on September 15, 2011. He denies two counts of fraud and four of false accounting.
The prosecution says he traded far in excess of his risk limits and concealed his positions with fictitious accounting. Adoboli says everything he did was for the benefit of UBS.
The ex-trader said his troubles started on July 1, 2011, when, under intense pressure from fellow traders and managers, he abandoned a long-standing bearish stance and flipped his trading position to a long one. Just after he did so, the market started to sell off.
"I lost control. The result of that loss of control was an increasing number of breaks (accounting problems), a more frantic trading activity, a less controlled decision-making process," he said.
Later that month, as losses mounted in a volatile market, Adoboli recalled that exhaustion and stress levels reached such a peak that it caused him to briefly break up with his long-term girlfriend.
He said that on the evening of July 23 the couple had been supposed to go out for dinner but he found himself unable to talk to her.
"I went a bit catatonic. I was curled up on my bed. She was asking me what was wrong. I just couldn't explain," he said.
About two weeks later he reunited with his girlfriend and she, over time, persuaded him to stop trying to recoup the losses and open up to someone about his true position.
"In the end she was the strength. She was the person who said to me 'Look, Kwek, if you can't do this, if you can't fix this, then look within yourself and maybe go and tell someone.'
"This is going to kill you. You can't keep fighting this battle that you are clearly not winning," Adoboli quoted his girlfriend as telling him.
He said that by the end of August he came around to her point of view.
"I had told loads of people different stories about what the trades were to buy us more time to recoup the losses. Eventually I accepted that I would have to tell someone about the true nature, the full scale of the losses," he said.
In a separate strand of his evidence, Adoboli said he did not believe he had done anything dishonest because he was trying to deliver what UBS management wanted: greater risks in pursuit of greater profits.
He said that in the spring of 2011 the ETFs desk was doing so well that it was held up as an example to other UBS trading desks.
"There were no secrets. There was no hiding. There was no holding back," he said, describing that period.
"We were told to go for it. We went for it. We were told to push the boundaries ... We found the boundary. We found the edge. We fell off the edge and I got arrested," he said.
Adoboli said UBS and investment banks in general set traders unrealistic objectives and everyone knew they could only be met with a certain amount of rule-bending in areas like risk limits.
"The policies were aspirational policies, and on the ground - at the coalface - you had to put in place mechanisms to achieve what you had to achieve," he said.
"In order to achieve what the bank leadership wanted us to achieve, we cannot stick to the policy. We are allowed, it is approved, in reality, that we're going to try to meet in the middle somewhere."
The internet is becoming ever more accessible in Russia, offering unlimited possibilities for the distribution of every kind of content. Cyberspace is also censored very minimally. This gives everyone an opportunity to speak their minds and cyber-antagonism is widespread in the Russian internet community.
However, the number of savvy internet users among law enforcement officials has increased as well; since 2006 their control over the Russian segment of the internet (RuNet) has become much more noticeable, and the Russian judiciary has now accumulated substantial experience in the ?war on internet extremism.? Its campaign has, however, been waged not only against truly dangerous criminals, such as those inciting racial hatred, but also against many people whose so-called criminal activity is questionable, ?or even non-existent.
Criminal convictions: Articles 280 and 282
Before 2008, the number of convictions for specifically internet propaganda was in single digits:
- in 2007 we knew of only 3 cases (out of a total of 28) of online public provocation to extremist activity and/or incitement to racial or other hatred;
- in 2008 the number of internet-related convictions had already increased to 14 (out of 45);
- in 2009 it grew to 17 (out of 56);
- in 2010 there were 26 (out of 72);
- in 2011 convictions had doubled: there were at least 52 (out of 78 in total). In other words, the majority of ?extremist propaganda? cases resulted from online activity;
- this trend continues in 2012: in the first half of the year there were at least 18 convictions (out of 32).
The graph below shows the dynamics of this process (the data for 2012 are a projection, assuming that the second half will be the same as the first one):
These figures give the lie to the assertion that Russia lacks the legal framework for prosecuting ?cyber-hatred,? and confirm that existing articles of the Criminal Code are being successfully applied in cases of illegal online propaganda.
The key ?anti-propaganda? article of the Criminal Code in the public mind (and probably in the minds of law enforcement agencies too) is Article 282 (?incitement of national, racial, or religious enmity). Article 280 (?Public incitement to extremist activity?) is used far less often.
The first known criminal conviction, under Article 280, for propaganda via the internet was in March 2005. Another conviction took place at almost the same time in Syktyvkar [capital of the Komi Republic, Russian Federation], this time under Article 282, for publishing xenophobic materials on the internet.
'The first known criminal conviction, under Article 280, for propaganda via the internet was in March 2005.'
A matter of crucial significance in any propaganda crime is the degree of publicity - fairly obvious in cases of traditional media, but much less so for online publications. The wording of Articles 280 and 282 refers to public statements delivered by any means, including the internet, but not all online material can be considered public. It can, for example, be password-protected and accessible only to a small group. This factor has, however, so far not been taken into account. For example, in 2011, a court in Chuvashia [Central Russia] handed down a conviction for sending files by e-mail, which hardly qualifies as a public statement
Sites and targets
In 2007?2011 material resulting in convictions for internet propaganda came from a variety of sources: social network sites, blogs, forums, local networks and emails. By 2011 law enforcement agencies had focused their monitoring on social networks, primarily on ?Vkontakte,? the Russian counterpart to Facebook - ?perhaps because since 2007 this platform has been rapidly gaining popularity among many groups, including young right-wing radicals.
Analysis of any case of ?extremist content? requires knowledge of the target group. Who is the potential victim for right-wing radicals and similar groups? Unfortunately, our classification is incomplete. The convoluted, standard legal phrasing of ?extremist posting on the internet? and ?statements intended to stir up hatred and hostility and humiliation of groups of individuals? is extremely difficult to understand. Where possible, we have identified the following groups as objects of animosity:?
Immigrants from the Caucasus region
Yazidi (Kurdish groups)
Government officials (incl. police officers)
?Infidels? (calls for armed jihad)
In other words, the most frequently prosecuted online rhetoric is directed against people from the Caucasus region, which is indeed quite widespread, though figures for hate propaganda aimed at migrants from Central Asia were in many cases actually higher. Anti-Semitic content is a less active area of cyber-antagonism, but is still very much present. Notably, the number of convictions for anti-Semitic propaganda has remained virtually unchanged from year to year. Cases of prosecution for xenophobic propaganda against other ethnic groups are quite rare.
??the most frequently prosecuted online rhetoric is directed against people from the Caucasus region, which is indeed quite widespread, though figures for hate propaganda aimed at migrants from Central Asia were in many cases actually higher.?
Printed material, multimedia and individual comments
Before 2009 sentences were given predominantly for printed materials, but most of the relevant texts are no longer available, so we are unable to assess the degree of danger they represented for the public.
In 2010-2011 the number of convictions for multimedia content had reached almost the same level as for print materials previously. This is not surprising: a movie or video recording has much greater visual impact than any text, linking to them has become easier, and the sheer number of online videos has increased as well.
Remarkably, in most cases the video in question is not produced or uploaded to the internet by the offender; he or she simply publishes a link to a video posted elsewhere (for example, on YouTube). Of course, it is possible that the person posting a link to a video on a social network is the one who put it there originally. However, in most cases, we believe that these are different people. We also believe that it would make more sense to identify the person who originally posted the video and, most importantly, the one who created it (especially since videos often depict an actual violent crime), instead of prosecuting those who share the links. This holds true even if we assume that in all cases they had shared proven inflammatory intent.
By 2011 the number of sentences for individual comments on social networks, blogs and forums had increased. It is highly likely that these people were selected at random, were not excessively popular among the far right, and did not have a significant audience.
? By 2010-2011, criminal prosecution for xenophobia was deliberately directed at authors of re-posts, links and online comments, as well as isolated statements on social networks, even when the real audience for those texts was obviously very small.?
In other words, the prosecutors increasingly went after the people whose statements, while clearly racist and unacceptable from an ethical point of view, did not represent any significant danger to society.
Soft targets
In the early stages of fighting online ?extremism?, law enforcement agencies focused on the level of ?significance? of the internet propagandists and the extent to which their acts could be considered dangerous. In 2007, a court in the Kaluga region convicted a Nazi skinhead group for online distribution of a video showing their members beating up people of ?non-Slavic appearance.? In 2008, the creator of a neo-Nazi website that hosted bomb recipes and called for violence was convicted in Lipetsk. In Vladivostok, the leader of a local neo-Nazi group, Soiuz Slavyan (Union of Slavs), was convicted in 2009.
Despite these cases, convictions of leaders and right-wing ideologues were rare: those prosecuted were essentially the rank-and-file content distributors. By 2010-2011, criminal prosecution for xenophobia was deliberately directed at authors of re-posts, links and online comments, as well as isolated statements on social networks, even when the real audience for those texts was obviously very small.
Given a climate which puts few obstacles in the way of ultra-right social network groups, allowing them to coordinate violent actions and publish ?hit lists? with personal data and photos of ?enemies,? this policy looks like a mere simulated fight against cyber-hate, serving only one purpose ? the statistics look good on the report.
The number of convictions is inflated by prosecutions for statements which are either not inherently dangerous or not widely enough available to warrant prosecution (unfortunately, the prosecution of hate propaganda outside the internet follows the same pattern).
'The number of convictions is inflated by prosecutions for statements which are either not inherently dangerous or not widely enough available to warrant prosecution (unfortunately, the prosecution of hate propaganda outside the internet follows the same pattern).'
In November 2011, for example, the Syktyvkar City Court (Komi Republic) delivered a one-year suspended sentence to 33-year local resident, Georgii Borman, who between May to July 2010 had published several xenophobic comments to articles on the Republic of Komi Business News website under different aliases. The comments remained visible to the public for only a few hours, before they were removed by moderators.
Some internet-related convictions are simply inappropriate. The most resonant is the sentence handed down to blogger Savva Terentyev on 7th July 2008 by the Syktyvkar City Court. Terentyev was found guilty of inciting social hatred against police officers (Article 282) and sentenced to one year of imprisonment with a probation period of one year for an anti-police comment in an online diary. The blog containing the offending comment was accorded the same status as a mainstream newspaper article; the police officers were recognized as a social group in need of the protection offered by the anti-extremist legislation. Most importantly, the basic principle of criminal law was violated: the act in question must not just fit the wording of the Criminal Code, but must constitute social danger. The case was absurd and completely discredited all who took part in it.
In 2009, the journalist Irek Murtazin and the chairman of the Tatar Public Center Rafis Kashapov were convicted in Kazan for inciting hatred of a social group. Murtazin got nearly two years in a penal colony and Kashapov went to prison for 15 years for an article in his blog.
In 2010 IslamlyIlham Sarjuddin-ogly from Azerbaijan received an 8-month suspended sentence in the Nizhny-Novgorod court for online distribution of works by the Turkish theologian Said Nursi.
Dmitry Lebedev, from Gatchina, Leningrad region, was a member of a group called ?Kill the Patriarch.? However, Lebedev never actually called for illegal actions against the Orthodox community ? the Patriarch was supposed to be killed by a mystical force. His 1-year suspended sentence was therefore inappropriate.
However, the penalties for online distribution are not usually so severe. Court decisions on these defendants reflect the use of suspended sentences and fines, as well as restrictions on personal freedom, imprisonment and mandatory treatment.
The share of offenders who receive suspended sentences without any additional penalties is on the rise. This, in fact, constitutes a non-punishment, and its effectiveness against ideologically motivated offenders is in serious doubt. We consider other types of non-custodial penalties, such as community service or fines, to be much more appropriate. Unfortunately, the number of these penalties has been dropping in comparison to suspended sentences.
Prosecutions: quantity and quality
Criminal prosecution for online hate propaganda covers at least 50 regions of Russia. Figures for the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions, or Nizhny Novgorod, reveal very low levels of activity in this area, though according to our data these regions are responsible for the largest number of hate-motivated violent crimes. We can only assume that local law enforcement agencies have more pressing things to do than going after online chatters.
Overall, the practices of Russian law enforcers in combating cyber-hate can best be described as less than successful. Quantitative indicators of anti-extremist measures undertaken by police officers are growing, but the quality of law enforcement is deteriorating.
Criminal prosecution for online hate propaganda covers at least 50 regions of Russia. Figures for the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions, or Nizhny Novgorod, reveal very low levels of activity in this area, though according to our data these regions are responsible for the largest number of hate-motivated violent crimes.
Material that directly incites violence or is related to the actual use of violence, such as ?hit lists?, or ?street terror manuals?, which provide instructions on dispatching an enemy, are still openly posted but remain virtually unnoticed by Russian law enforcement agencies. The recorded number of prosecutions for these genuinely dangerous incitements is exceedingly small.
Law enforcement officers go for the most part after random, individual people for isolated statements. The number of such statements on the internet is huge, so dealing with them piecemeal is simply not rational. We are also seeing an ever greater number of inappropriate and unjustified court decisions.
Such law enforcement is not merely selective, but simply chaotic. As a result there is no consensus between the public, the law enforcement officers and the various radical groups themselves as to what, in fact, should be prohibited.
But the Russian security services do provide instances of excellent work. The November 2009 apprehension by law enforcement officials of Nikita Tikhonov and Yevgenia Khasis, later convicted for the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova, is an example of the proper use of the internet. Specialists from the Department of Technical Activities of the Moscow police identified Tikhonov and Khasis by monitoring right-wing websites and following the chain of IP-addresses. The well-known ultra-right activist, Valentin Mumzhiev, a member of the right-wing St. Petersburg group NS/WP, was located in a similar fashion.
Unfortunately, though, there are very few examples of this kind. Those who are working to combat extremism on the internet should focus their efforts on disarming dangerous groups and individuals who practise or directly incite violence. Dealing with comments on social networks or the distribution of stand-alone materials is best left to community organizations and activists, who can not only engage in ongoing debate, but may also be able to persuade hosting providers or the owners of social networking sites to remove socially dangerous content.
DUBAI (Reuters) - Dana Gas is set to become the first United Arab Emirates (UAE) company to fail to pay an Islamic bond on maturity, three sources familiar with the matter said on Tuesday, sending its stock and bond prices sharply lower.
The UAE's largest listed natural gas firm, hit by payment delays from Egypt and Iraq's Kurdistan region, will not repay a $920 million convertible Islamic bond, or sukuk, when it matures on Wednesday, the sources said.
However, Sharjah-based Dana has won more time to hammer out a deal with bondholders, they added.
Dana Gas declined to comment.
Although indebted firms in the Gulf Arab state have extended maturities on billions of dollars in bank loans since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008-09, no sukuk have been restructured or unpaid on maturity.
Saudi and Kuwaiti companies have defaulted on Islamic bonds in the past, leading to complex debt negotiations which have dragged on for years. Kuwait's Investment Dar, which co-owns luxury carmaker Aston Martin, defaulted on a $100 million Islamic debt issue in 2009.
Dana has a $1 billion sukuk maturing on October 31. It repurchased about $80 million of the sukuk in 2008, leaving $920 million outstanding.
The five-year sukuk, which was issued with a 7.5 percent coupon, has gained international interest as a majority of the debt is said to be owned by large investment firms including BlackRock Inc and Ashmore Group .
A source said that London-based Spinnaker Capital was among large holders. An executive at Spinnaker in London said it does not own Dana Gas bonds currently and has not held them before. BlackRock owns about 30 percent of the outstanding sukuk, according to two separate market sources.
There is "absolutely no chance" of a white knight swooping in to repay the bond by the due date, a source close to the talks said.
In 2009, the Abu Dhabi government stepped in at the eleventh hour to help Dubai repay developer Nakheel's $4.1 billion Islamic bond.
The sources said Dana, in which Crescent Petroleum owns a 20-percent stake, reached a standstill agreement with creditors in early October giving it six months to repay the bond.
Some creditors are preparing for a potential "post-default scenario", one source familiar with the discussions said, in which no deal would be reached at all.
Shares in Dana fell 8.5 percent to 0.43 dirhams on the Abu Dhabi bourse after the Reuters report before closing down 4.26 percent.
The shares have been battered by concerns over how Dana will find funds to repay the bond and limited communication from the company on the matter. The sukuk has a conversion price of 1.926 dirhams.
The sukuk, which is lightly traded, was quoted at a bid price of 68 cents on the dollar on Tuesday, down from 78 cents on the dollar on Monday, according to prices quoted by Nomura.
Dana is to issue a statement on Wednesday or early Thursday detailing its plans to restructure the bond, said two sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity as the matter is not public.
There was a "high probability" the Dana sukuk will be restructured, London-based investment firm Exotix said in a report earlier this year, adding its restructuring valuation on the privately-owned firm was 61.5 percent of par value.
Dana, which also has a 3-percent stake in Hungarian group MOL , is not seen as a strategic entity for the UAE and so any government support is unlikely.
In May, Dana said it wanted to find a consensual deal with sukukholders to repay the bond, and said it had hired Blackstone Group , Deutsche Bank and law firm Latham & Watkins as advisers.
Investors have hired Moelis and law firm Linklaters as advisers.
Dana, which has operations in the UAE, Egypt and Iraq's Kurdistan region, says its cash flow has been affected by global economic conditions and regional events, including Egyptian unrest last year which delayed payments.
The company had a cash balance of 601 million dirhams ($164 million) as of June 30, 2012. Outstanding receivables on Egypt gas deliveries stood at 729 million dirhams and 1.2 billion dirhams in the Kurdistan region at that time.
In a recent interview, Dana board member and Crescent Chief Executive Majid Jafar said Egypt was paying the company for all fuel it was receiving from its operations and was optimistic outstanding payments would be settled.
Jafar said last week talks between the company and creditors were still ongoing, and have been "amicable and friendly."
(Additional reporting by Mirna Sleiman, Rachna Uppal, David French and Daniel Fineren; Editing by Andrew Torchia and Mark Potter and David Cowell)
The home of Rebekah Cichero and family. ?Kitchen?bench made from a 4m slab of Mintaro slate ? ?we waited 6 months to find one big enough, and then it took 6 men and a trolley to move into place ? we all held our breaths!? says Rebekah. ?Painting by?Nicki Groos, 1977. ?French decanters bought in France about 15 years ago. Danish platter, spirit measure and ice bucket all at One Small Room. ?Photo ? Jacqui Way.
Kitchen details. ?Wall light ? a vintage Danish find. ?Box shelves by Bonnie & Neil. ?Retro Pears and apples collected over time, pottery figures bought on a trip to Iceland. Retro stainless steel canisters from One Small Room. ?Danish buffet from Mid Century Modern.?Teak veneer used on all kitchen cabinetry. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Loungeroom. ?Artwork above fireplace ? ?Little Sundance? by Jacob Logos. ?Furniture from left ? Le Corbusier ?LC 4? chaise longue, Fritz Hansen sidetable, black chair by Vostra. ?Couch, and other treasures found by Rebekah when sourcing for the shop! ?Tulips in cream can ? 50?s Metal Petals originals. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Loungeroom. ?Tolomeo wall mount lights from Artemide, Kina Light by David Trubridge, watercolour above dresser by Sue Ninham. Parker buffet, Danish couch all One Small Room finds. ?Pottery on sideboard is a collection of Bitossi, West German and Italian, timber ball by Lex Stobie. ?Cushions by Bonnie and Neil and Cloth Fabric,?black webbed chair by Vostra, Sidetable is Teca from Globewest. ??Anna? floor rug by Brita Sweden. ??Concrete flooring ?Hyper? floor by SA Tech floor. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Today?s gorgeous family home comes to us from Adelaide, and belongs to multi-tasking creative Rebekah Cichero ? co-founder of Adelaide?s much loved Bowerbird Bazaar markets, and propertietor of sweet furniture and interiors shop One Small Room! ?Rebekah is one seriously energetic and inspiring creative, having lived in London for 8 years working as a stylist before settling down in Adelaide with partner Tim. If all this sounds a touch familiar, that?s because we?interviewed?Rebekah this time last year! ?(Re-visit our original interview for the full backstory!).
Nestled in Adelaide?s leafy suburb of Croydon, this generous Victorian family house actually backs onto Rebekah?s gorgeous little shop. ?It?s home to Rebekah and husband Timothy, plus?Ruby (8 yrs), Tobias (5 yrs) and Chico the dog. ?The family have been here nearly five years.
Whilst it still retains much of its original charm, this home has been thoroughly renovated and extended to modernise and open up it?s functional spaces for this busy family. ?These works happened in roughly two stages. ?The front rooms were renovated when the family first moved in, and room layout reconfigured to make way for an ensuite and walk-in robe in the master bedroom. ?A few years later the full home extension was completed ? including new open plan kitchen, dining and lounge area, and a new main bathroom. ?Rebekah and Timothy also?landscaped the front yard, added a new fence and rainwater tanks to ensure a healthy and productive garden, even in Adelaide?s notoriously dry summers.
If you?ve been to Rebekah?s sweet shop, One Small Room, then the eclectic edit of furniture and artwork here will be no surprise! ?As is often the case with creative retailers, Rebekah?s home is an extension of her shop and vice versa ? furniture and art finds itself on high rotation between both spaces. ??We often find new favourites when sourcing for the shop, so we move something out from home and sell it to someone else to love!? says Rebekah.
There are, however, a few treasured pieces she and Tim would never part with. ??We do have some favourite pieces, the stripped back carousel horse and the Le Corbusier ?LC 4? chaise (?Tim?s chair?) bought when we lived in London, pre-children? says Rebekah.?Other favourite pieces include two paintings by Jacob Logos. ??We all fell in love with the artwork of Jacob Logos, so deciding on the painting above the fireplace (Little Sundance)?and another above our bed (Evening Hunt) was a very easy decision? recalls Rebekah.
As is often the case with a weekly home features, it?s not so much the house but the whole neighbourhood which Rebekah and her family call home. ??We live right near the iconic ?Queen st? strip with the best bakery ever (Red Door Bakery) and of course our shop, only about a metre away from our home and office!? says Rebekah. ??Croydon is an amazing community of creative types, caring people who say hi when you walk by. Kids meet and play on Sundays while parents have coffee, you can get a good haircut, ride bikes and still be in the city in 7 minutes or to the beach in 15 or the hills in 40! Nothing?s too far away. We feel rather lucky here?. ?Ahhh Adelaide, such a Utopian land?!
Big thanks to Rebekah and co. for sharing their fabulous family home ? do share the love with a little visit to the One Small Room?and Bowerbird Bazaar?websites. ?Thanks too, to?Jacqui Way?for the stunning shots!
Kitchen details. ??The painting by?Nicki Groos, 1977 was found when out sourcing for shop treasures ? it didn?t make it to the shop!? says Rebekah. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Kitchen details. ?Photos -?Jacqui Way.
Master bedroom. ?Bed and besides ? Scandinave by Transforma, ?Artwork above bed ? ?Evening Hunt? by Jacob Logos, ceramic wall birds by Gerry Wedd, ?Malabar bedlinen, Marigold Rug by Armadillo and a Danish wool rug (beside bed) found at auction. ?Bedside lights ? Ikea. ?Pendant is the ?Saucer? light by Louis Poulsen. ?Above fireplace is an antique chinese window screen. ?Danish stool, One Small Room. ?Photos -?Jacqui Way.
Master bedroom looking through to ensuite. ?Above fireplace ? antique chinese window screen. ?Danish stool, One Small Room. ?Photos -?Jacqui Way.
Ensuite adjoining msater bedroom.???Towel rack made by Tim. ?Tapware and Spanish ?wallpaper? tiles from Estilo, 70?s original resin ball light. ?Teak footstool from One Small Room. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Ruby?s room -?Retro dresser ? One Small Room, vintage suitcases store dressups, dolls and toys. ?Vintage rocker and pram found out treasure hunting. Artwork by Alan Smithee. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Ruby?s room ? mix of artwork including pieces by Donna Gnell, Tsk Tsk and wall birds by Naomi Murrell. Danish lamp and bed from One Small Room. ?Cowhide rug bought in Buenos Aires. Quilt and pillow ? vintage finds in London. ?Quilted rug made by Grandma. ?Vintage marionette dolls on couch among hand made toys by Hop Skip Jump. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Main family bathroom.?Vanity, designed by Rebekah and Timothy, in Tas Oak and teak veneer with Mintaro slate benchtop. ?Artwork is a Danish auction buy. ?Tiles from Ceramica. ?Vintage mirrors collected in London ? ?this is only part of the collection!? says Rebekah. Flowers by Fleurs de Nadia. Tapware and Italian bowls from Bathroom Living. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Home office. ?Vintage bus scroll found at auction ? ?I wasn?t going to let anyone out bid me as it bears the suburb we live in!? says Rebekah. Artwork by Alan Smithee. ?Original 70?s resin ball light. Vintage hand operated sewing machine (?for Ruby to learn sewing ? as she can?t reach the peddle of my electric one? says Rebekah). ?Danish office desk from One Small Room. ?Old ammunition box bought at a London market. ?Flower retro wastepaper bin ? an op shop find. ?Vintage Tonka truck bought another auction find. Persian rug bought in London. Antique chinese bucket from Water Tiger. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
Exterior of home and rear deck, featuring recycled bricks and timber. ?Fish and chips sign and pendant lights, trestle table and bench ? all One Small Room finds. ?Railway trolley used as coffee table.?Stools by Tolix from 1000 Chairs. Tin pots bought on a trip to Turkey. ?Photo -?Jacqui Way.
>>>welcome back, good evening once again for those of you watching on the nbc stations joining us for this second half hour, an hour of coverage tonight after this monumental
storm damage
we have witnessed. most of it along the
eastern seaboard
where you see some of the fresh aerial pictures of what's left of portions of the new
jersey shore
as shot from the helicopter carrying governor
chris christie
today, we'll have a live interview with the governor coming up moments from now. we are also following another drama in new jersey today in the town of
little ferry
and surrounding towns where they dealt in the midst of all of this, with a water surge that came after a levee break. katy tur is there.
>> reporter: there are still rescues going on right now,
. hundreds have been rescued. they have some more to go. they're used to flooding in these parts of new jersey, but they could not prepare for this. soaked and carrying whatever they could grab, some fled only in pajamas or slippers.
>>the backyard was a swimming pool.
>> reporter: there was a 93-year-old and kids piggybacking on rescuer's shoulders. the flood didn't discriminate. hundreds of people were forced out of these homes after the
hackensack river
surged over a berm.
>>within ten minutes we had four feet of water in the basement. it was unbelievable. i never saw anything like that in my life.
>> reporter: it was a rushing river of water that overwhelmed parts of five small new jersey burr ror rows. in one town alone, they lost a
police station
, a firehouse, a
civic center
, ambulance, utility truck. that's just in one town. here in
little ferry
, at one point, 80% of it was said to be under water. half a mile away at a local
high school
, the now homeless climbed out of buses and trucks. inside a father described his panic when he realized he didn't know how high the water was going to get inside his
little ferry
>>it's the scariest experience of your life, you call 911, the police, it's busy. you have no one to go to, water's rushing in, and you don't know what to do.
>> reporter: his son happy harley didn't try to
run away
. now entire blocks are empty, the people and pets are gone, the water, though, is still an unwelcome house guest.
, if you can imagine, the water was 6 to
10 feet
high around here. it's since receded significantly. we can show you what it looks like now. what we can't give you is what it smells like. there is a strong odor of gasoline here. you don't even want to think before what could possibly be in this water.
>>katy tur,
little ferry
, new jersey.
environmental hazards
are just being talked about now as we get people rescued and away from the water.
The Ryan Cameron Show?s annual Hip Hop Doc Week starts today Monday with who else but ? ?The Hip Hop Doc? ? as Dr.M.J. Collier touts himself on his business card and DAVID M. WILLIAMS, M.D.
Dr. Collier?s Bio M.J. Collier Jr., M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
Dr. M. J. Collier Jr. is a product of the Atlanta Public School System, graduating with honors from D.M. Therrell High School.
Dr. Collier completed his undergraduate education at Morehouse College in Atlanta, graduating with honors. Dr. Collier received his medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia(MCG) in Augusta, Georgia. His residency training was at Morehouse School of Medicine. Dr. Collier Currently serves as the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Southside Medical Center. He served as the Medical Director and CEO of Atlanta West Primary Care Associates for the past 25 years. Dr. Collier has served as Medical Director for the Ryan Cameron Foundation since 2006.
Contact info for Dr. Collier: 1-888-ASKDRMJ (1-855-275-3765); 770-948-5400;; Twitter@hiphopdoc1;
Dr. William?s bio:
David M. Williams, MD, President /Chief Executive Officer, Southside Medical Center, Inc.since 1997 to present. Specialty training in Family Practice and Preventive Medicine , started his Public Health career as an Epidemiologist with the State of Georgia and was the first Director of the Georgia AIDS program. Currently serving as President of Choice Healthcare a Georgia IPA, Chairman of the Georgia State School of Public Health Board, the Peach State Healthcare Board, SummerhillMechanicsville Board and Vice Chair of the Atlanta Community Access Board. Served as past President of Georgia Association for Primary Health Care. Butler Street YMCA Board, Governors Health Strategy and the PeachCare Health Plan Board.
Tuesday Tuesday will kick off with Dr. Melinda Miller-Thrasher, M.D.,F.A.C.O.G. Physician/ Founder Innovative Women?s Healthcare : Gynecology and Obstetrics. Dr. Miller-Thrasher?s Bio: With over 20 years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology her special interests are Preventive medicine, fibroids with emphasis on minimally invasive alternative treatments, adolescent gynecology, preconception counseling, physical fitness in pregnancy, nutrition and its role in health and disease, menopausal management including alternative treatment modalities, infertility.
Contact info for Dr. Miller-Thrasher: INNOVATIVE WOMEN?S HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS 3903 SOUTH COBB DRIVE SUITE 105 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30080 404.549.1327
Wednesday Wednesday all your questions about allergies and skin care will be answered by Dr. Windell D. Boutte M.D, Medical Director and Dr. Erinn Gardner, MD an allergist with Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic will join us.
Dr. Boutte?s bio:
Dr. Windell Boutte? is the founder and medical director of Premiere Dermatology & Surgery, Aesthetic and Laser Boutique, and Premiere Essence MedSpa. Dr. Boutte? has been a board-certified dermatologist since 1997. She obtained her medical degree from UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles, California. She then moved to Atlanta, Georgia, to complete her training in dermatology at Emory University Medical Center. Dr. Boutte?, is an innovator in Cosmetic and Laser Surgery. She is a national expert in Laser Liposuction, Fat Transfer, High Definition Liposuction, Outpatient Mini Tummy Tucks, Eyelid Rejuvenation and Laser Skin Rejuvenation. Located in the Premiere Aesthetic Center, Dr. Boutte offers a combination of medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology, as well as a full spa services. Dr. Boutte? has earned a local and national reputation for providing cutting edge technological advances, and she has expertise in all facets of dermatology and aesthetic care.
Phone: 678-344-2450 Website:
Dr. Gardner?s bio:
She received her bachelor?s degree from Spelman College and earned her medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. She completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Northwestern University and a fellowship in Allergy and Immunology at Northwestern University and Northwestern University Children?s Memorial Hospital.
Dr. Gardner is board certified by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. She is a member of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Dr. Gardner resides in Smyrna, Georgia with her husband and two children. She enjoys reading, running and playing scrabble.
For more information about Dr. Gardner and the treatment of allergies and asthma please visit
Thursday Thursday we will be joined by Dr. Rico D. Short Apex Endodontics P.C and Dr. Wazeerud-Din, MD from NOMAD Concierge Medicine Service.
Dr. Short?s bio:
?Getting to the Root of your Problem? Microsurgical Root Canal Specialist Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics Clinical Assistant Professor MCG School of Dentistry Dr. Rico Short graduated from Morris Brown College in 1995 as Valedictorian with a Bachelor of Science degree. He attended the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry to attain a Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree in 1999. In 2002 he earned his post doctorate degree in Endodontics from Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Short became a Board Certified Endodontist in 2009 in which only 25% of Endodontist achieve this goal. His private practice (Apex Endodontics P.C) is located in Smryna, Georgia. Dr. Short is also an expert consultant to the Georgia Board of Dentistry and an assistant clinical professor at MCG School of Dentistry.
Dr. Short has received several prestigious awards and accolades throughout his career. He is very philanthropic in his community and church. In addition, he volunteers at various non-profit organizations and charity dental clinics. Dr. Short is also a motivational speaker and author. His new book entitled ?Getting to the Root of Your Problem? 365 Days of Inspirational Thinking is considered one of the most thought provoking self published books to date. He travels abroad teaching people to tap into their God given potential to make a positive difference in society.
Contact info for Dr. Short: Apex Endodontics P.C. 577 Concord Road Suite A Smyrna, Ga. 30082; 678-503-0790;;
Friday Last but not least, Friday Dr. Collier will join us again along with Kirsten Person-Ramey a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Dr. Person-Ramey?s bio:
Kirsten Person-Ramey is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in individual, couples and family therapy, as well as a provider of Continuing Education for other providers who work within the community. She works with a broad spectrum of clients. Among her areas of expertise are juvenile delinquency and other conduct issues among teenagers, healthy family preservation, and high profile and celebrity clients. As a mother of four daughters, she brings nurturing and understanding to her work. In addition to working with clients in private practice and within the community through mobile psychotherapy, Dr. Person-Ramey is also an independent filmmaker and currently has a documentary and a narrative (819) in development that is inspired by her work with African American juvenile offenders. Dr. Person-Ramey plans to release a juvenile justice prevention handbook in 2013, entitled ?Got 5 on it,? which was inspired by her doctoral dissertation research. Dr. Kirsten Person-Ramey is an interactive, Adlerian therapist. Her therapeutic approach is to provide support and practical feedback to help clients effectively address personal life challenges. She integrates complementary methodologies and techniques to offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client. With compassion and understanding, she works with each individual to help them build on their strengths and attain the personal growth they are committed to accomplishing.
Hip Hop Doc Week culminates Saturday with The Ryan Cameron Foundation?s Youth Health Fair at The Gallery at South Dekalb (2801 Candler Rd. Decatur) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. . There will be free testings and screenings for diabetes, sickle cell, BMI (body mass index), blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol and for the first time ? HIV and STDs.
An opportunity for players to continue to practice the basic skills needed to rally a tennis ball or an opportunity to give it a try, in preparation for the spring.
Using transitional equipment, indoor classes will be held at the Racquetball and Fitness Center in November, January, and February. More information can be found in the activity guide or call 303-420-1210 for more information or register online for tennis lessons now.
New International Forum for Heavy Metal ResearchPublic release date: 30-Oct-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: K. Mueller 49-351-260-2438 Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Workshop on spectroscopic techniques for actinides research in Dresden, Germany, from Nov. 5 - 7, 2012
Research on radioactive heavy metals in environmental systems considers diverse tasks, e.g. restoration measures for contaminated industrial fallow grounds, the safe storage of chemical-toxic and radioactive waste, carbon dioxide sequestration to reduce green-house gas emissions as well as the construction and operation of deep geothermal power plants. The research activities are based, on the one hand, on experimental investigations; on the other hand, theoretical modelling is of great interest.
According to Katharina Mller from the Institute of Resource Ecology at HZDR, there has not been much overlap so far between theory and experiments in this field, although they often give complementary information and, hence, they can contribute to a better understanding of the behaviour of heavy metals in the environment. Together with Robin Steudtner and Satoru Tsushima, she is organizing the new workshop, which hopefully will bundle and strengthen the respective research activities and act as a nucleus for an international network.
The first international workshop "Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy" (ATAS) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf will take place from November 5 to 7, 2012. The organizers are expecting about 75 scientists from Europe, the US, Australia, Japan and China. They are satisfied with the interest in the kick-off workshop: "It seems that we hit a nerve for more intense scientific cooperation in this area".
The workshop consists of seven sessions with oral and poster presentations by international scientists. Furthermore, guided tours to the radiochemical labs and other research facilities at HZDR are offered to the participants. The workshop is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European research network "Actinet i3", the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and by partners from industry.
Further information
Dr. Katharina Mller
Institute of Resource Ecology
Phone +49 351 260-2438 |
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) conducts research in the fields of matter, health and energy. The following issues provide the main focus here:
How does matter behave in strong fields and at small-scale dimensions?
How can malignant tumors be identified at an early stage and treated effectively?
How can resources and energy be used safely and efficiently?
To answer these scientific questions, five large-scale research facilities provide, in part, unique research opportunities. These facilities are also accessible to external users.
The HZDR has been a member of the Helmholtz Association (the largest scientific organization in Germany) since January 2011. It has four locations in Dresden, Leipzig, Freiberg and Grenoble, and employs around 900 people approx. 430 of these being scientists and doctoral candidates.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
New International Forum for Heavy Metal ResearchPublic release date: 30-Oct-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: K. Mueller 49-351-260-2438 Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Workshop on spectroscopic techniques for actinides research in Dresden, Germany, from Nov. 5 - 7, 2012
Research on radioactive heavy metals in environmental systems considers diverse tasks, e.g. restoration measures for contaminated industrial fallow grounds, the safe storage of chemical-toxic and radioactive waste, carbon dioxide sequestration to reduce green-house gas emissions as well as the construction and operation of deep geothermal power plants. The research activities are based, on the one hand, on experimental investigations; on the other hand, theoretical modelling is of great interest.
According to Katharina Mller from the Institute of Resource Ecology at HZDR, there has not been much overlap so far between theory and experiments in this field, although they often give complementary information and, hence, they can contribute to a better understanding of the behaviour of heavy metals in the environment. Together with Robin Steudtner and Satoru Tsushima, she is organizing the new workshop, which hopefully will bundle and strengthen the respective research activities and act as a nucleus for an international network.
The first international workshop "Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy" (ATAS) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf will take place from November 5 to 7, 2012. The organizers are expecting about 75 scientists from Europe, the US, Australia, Japan and China. They are satisfied with the interest in the kick-off workshop: "It seems that we hit a nerve for more intense scientific cooperation in this area".
The workshop consists of seven sessions with oral and poster presentations by international scientists. Furthermore, guided tours to the radiochemical labs and other research facilities at HZDR are offered to the participants. The workshop is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European research network "Actinet i3", the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and by partners from industry.
Further information
Dr. Katharina Mller
Institute of Resource Ecology
Phone +49 351 260-2438 |
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) conducts research in the fields of matter, health and energy. The following issues provide the main focus here:
How does matter behave in strong fields and at small-scale dimensions?
How can malignant tumors be identified at an early stage and treated effectively?
How can resources and energy be used safely and efficiently?
To answer these scientific questions, five large-scale research facilities provide, in part, unique research opportunities. These facilities are also accessible to external users.
The HZDR has been a member of the Helmholtz Association (the largest scientific organization in Germany) since January 2011. It has four locations in Dresden, Leipzig, Freiberg and Grenoble, and employs around 900 people approx. 430 of these being scientists and doctoral candidates.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Amidst our growing love affair with the tablet, spare a thought for its increasingly shelfbound sibling: the e-reader.
Take Taiwan's E Ink Holdings Inc, which makes most of the monochrome displays for devices such as Inc's Kindle and Barnes & Noble Inc's Nook. After five years of heady growth during which shipments rose 100-fold, it got a jolt at the end of 2011 when monthly revenues dropped 91 percent in two months.
"The bottom fell out of the market," says E Ink Chief Marketing Officer Sriram Peruvemba.
E-readers initially benefited from their reflective displays, which can be read in sunlight and require very little power. But the success of Apple Inc's iPad, improved backlit displays, power-saving technologies and new smaller tablets all point to one thing: the e-reader has become a transitional technology.
Think the harpsichord, replaced by the piano. Or Apple's iPod music player, which helped popularize the MP3 player until the arrival of the iPhone, which could play music but also do a lot of other things.
Now electronic paper companies like E Ink are scrabbling for new ways to sell the technology or in some cases, are pulling the plug entirely.
A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that of those Americans over 30 who read e-books, less than half do so on an e-reader. For those under 30, the number falls to less than a quarter.
Analysts have cut forecasts, sometimes dramatically. IHS iSuppli predicted last December there would be 43 million e-readers shipped in 2014. When it revised those numbers last month, the estimate was lowered by two thirds.
By contrast, Morgan Stanley in June doubled its estimates for 2013 tablet shipments, predicting 216 million compared with its February 2011 forecast of 102 million.
"Frustratingly for the E Ink guys, it's a transition device," says Robin Birtle, who runs an e-book publishing company in Japan. "Kids won't need this."
Companies giving up the ghost include Japanese tyre maker Bridgestone Corp which ended e-paper production this year after six years in the business, blaming falling prices and the rising popularity of tablets with LCD displays. Its partner Delta Electronics Inc also said it was pulling out.
Qualcomm Inc, which snapped up two startups and launched several devices including the Kyobo Reader in South Korea, told investors in July it would now focus on licensing its Mirasol display technology.
UK-based Plastic Logic said it had stopped making e-readers and was now looking to license its display technology for devices such as credit cards.
That leaves E Ink, which this year bought one of its few remaining competitors, SiPix Technology, in pole position.
Not all the news is bad. A new generation of e-readers with front lighting, which allows reading in the dark, is hitting the market. The Kindle Paperwhite sold out quickly and that device and the basic $69 Kindle e-reader are the No. 2 and No. 3 top selling products on Amazon, based on unit sales. Amazon also recently launched Kindles in two big new markets - India and Japan.
E Ink's revenues have picked up somewhat from late last year and Chief Executive Scott Liu is promising good numbers when the company announces quarterly results on Wednesday.
But E Ink is betting its future, not on consumers buying more e-readers, but elsewhere - including education, an area it sees as essential to growth.
It has started to focus on adding features for classrooms, such as a master device to control which pages students look at, preventing them from flipping ahead to, for example, an answers page. Amazon this month announced a push to get Kindles into U.S. schools, selling e-readers at bulk discount.
But it will be an uphill battle. For one thing, Apple has stolen a march in the United States, saying that 80 percent of the country's "core curricula" is available in its digital bookstore. And while educational institutions are investing in e-books, they're not necessarily investing in e-reading hardware.
In Singapore, for example, one university library has dedicated 95 percent of its budget to e-books. But the country remains one of the few where the Kindle is not available, suggesting that those e-books are not being read on dedicated devices.
E Ink also hopes to see its technology in more devices than e-readers. Over the years E Ink displays have appeared in watches, on a Samsung cellphone keypad and on USB drives. One e-ink sign in Japan survived the 2011 earthquake and tsunami and was able to display emergency contact and route information long after other powered-displays fell dark.
Peruvemba travels the world to trade shows peddling an impressive array of prototypes he hopes to tempt manufacturers with, from a music stand with a built-in e-reader to a traffic light. Says CEO Liu: "I've told our people that in five years non e-reader applications will be as big as the e-reader applications."
This makes sense, analysts say. "We have dialed back our take on them," said Jonathan Melnick of Lux Research. "But we still think the technology is going to have a future. It's just not going to be in e-readers."
But not all are so optimistic. Not only has E Ink been outflanked by the emergence of the tablet, it's also been slow to innovate.
Although the screens of the latest Kindles refresh faster than earlier models, critics say they still look a little old-fashioned alongside displays from Apple or Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
"I don't see any significant improvements in the technology in the past few years," says Calvin Shao of Fubon Securities.
E Ink's own history is not encouraging. It took a long time for e-ink to emerge: Xerox had dabbled in it since the 1970s but it was only in the late 1990s that physicist Joseph Jacobson thought of mixing a dark dye and particles of white titanium dioxide in microcapsules. Stimulated by an electrical charge- a process called electrophoresis - one or other would move to the top to form shapes.
Even then it took seven years and $150 million for the company he founded, E Ink, to create its first e-reader, and another two years to tease out production problems for its first customer Sony Corp.
And then it took Amazon's heft to persuade the public to adopt the e-reader by adding a compelling range of books, wireless connectivity and the promise of instant downloads.
E Ink says it is undeterred and intends to play a more central role in any new industry it finds a foothold in. "For our new products we will no longer be a component player," said CEO Liu.
Its chances of success are limited, says Alva Taylor, who uses E Ink as a case study for his classes at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. "The success rate for companies with a technology searching for a solution is pretty low."
(Additional reporting by Mayumi Negishi in Tokyo and Alistair Barr in San Francisco; Editing by Edwina Gibbs)
Bacteria in the guts of honeybees are highly resistant to the antibiotic tetracycline, probably as a result of decades of preventive antibiotic use in domesticated hives. Researchers from Yale University identified eight different tetracycline resistance genes among U.S. honeybees that were exposed to the antibiotic, but the genes were largely absent in bees from countries where such antibiotic use is banned. The study appears on October 30 in mBio?, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology.
"It [resistance] seems to be everywhere in the U.S.," says Nancy Moran of Yale University, a senior author on the study. "There's a pattern here, where the U.S. has these genes and the others don't."
Honeybees the world over are susceptible to the bacterial disease called "foulbrood", which can wipe out a hive faster than beekeepers can react to the infection. In the U.S., beekeepers have kept the disease at bay with regular preventive applications of the antibiotic oxytetracycline, a compound that closely resembles tetracycline, which is commonly used in humans. Oxytetracycline has been in use among beekeepers since the 1950s, and many genes that confer resistance to oxytetracycline also confer resistance to tetracycline.
Using sensitive molecular techniques, Moran and her colleagues screened honeybees from several locations in the United States and from Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and New Zealand as well as several wild bumblebees from the Czech Republic, for the presence and abundance of tetracycline resistance genes. They found that U.S. honeybees have greater numbers and a more diverse set of tetracycline resistance genes than honeybees from the other countries.
Moran says it is reasonable to expect to see widespread resistance among bees, considering the decades-long use of oxytetracycline in honeybee hives. "It seems likely this reflects a history of using oxytetracycline since the 1950s. It's not terribly surprising. It parallels findings in other domestic animals, like chickens and pigs," says Moran.
Moran notes that beekeepers have long used oxytetracycline to control the bacterium that causes foulbrood, but the pathogen eventually acquired resistance to tetracycline itself. Of the foulbrood pathogens Melissococcus pluton and Paenibacillus larvae, Moran says, "They carry tetL, which is one of the eight resistance genes we found. It's possible that the gene was transferred either from the gut bacteria to the pathogen or from the pathogen to the gut bacteria."
Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and New Zealand do not allow beekeepers to use oxytetracycline in hives, so it is perhaps predictable that honeybees and wild bumblebees from these countries harbored only two or three different resistance genes and only in very low copy numbers, suggesting that the bacteria did not require the genes very frequently.
The authors of the study point out that by encouraging resistance and altering the bacteria that live in honeybee guts, decades of antibiotic applications may have actually been detrimental to honeybee wellbeing. Studies have suggested that the bacterial residents of the honeybee gut play beneficial roles in neutralizing toxins in the bees' diet, nutrition, and in defending the bee against pathogens. By disrupting the honeybee microbiota and reducing its diversity, long-term antibiotic use could weaken honeybee resistance to other diseases. Hence, the treatment that was meant to prevent disease and strengthen the hive may actually weaken its ability to fight off other pathogens.
Moran says while the study is interesting from the perspective of honeybee health and could have implications for how honeybee diseases are managed, the presence of resistance genes in the honeybee gut doesn't pose a direct risk to humans. These gut bacteria, says Moran, "don't actually live in the honey, they live in the bee. We've never actually detected them in the honey. When people are eating honey, they're not eating these bacteria."
American Society for Microbiology:
Thanks to American Society for Microbiology for this article.
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