Saturday, March 9, 2013

Born Under Punches - Arts & Entertainment - The Clock - Plymouth ...

I feel like complaining this week. I feel like I don?t do that too often so I?m going to air out some grudges I?ve had against various types of people that I?ve been holding in. They say if you hold that kind of stuff in you go crazy after all. So if some of these apply to you, take them too heart. Some of these apply to me, so I?ll inevitably be doing the same.


To fans of bands that eventually get big:

No one else other than you cares that you were a fan before everyone else. Inevitably you will be outnumbered and swallowed up by all of the people who are finding the artist you like. Your stories of early fan glory will make you seem petty since you?ll be arguing that you?re better for liking a band two months prior to everyone else. So here?s the stupid congratulations you want, now shut up and let people enjoy the music and not have to hear you whine anymore.


To people that complain about a bands? sound changing (myself included):

No one cares that your band changed their sound up a bit, least of all the band themselves. So please stop spending 90% of your life trolling message boards and commenting on YouTube videos in your spare time to yell at people who are, yet again, simply just trying to enjoy the music. If you don?t like the new stuff, complain about it for a bit to someone who will actually bother to listen to you and get it out of your system. Then promptly realize you like the old stuff better so you can listen to that and not complain anymore. Oh, and holding a grudge against a band and boycotting their old stuff because you think your new stuff sucks is the stupidest thing I?ve ever heard. Why deprive yourself of music you like? Do you hate yourself or something?


To people who complain a band is taking too long to release an album:

It?s not your fucking album. Let the band you love be satisfied with their work and most likely you will be satisfied with it too. If it takes four years, so what? If anything the wait will be better. As some smart person said, ?absence makes the heart grow fonder.? Sure it?s as sappy as hell, but it?s true whether you like it or not. And if you?re not happy with the music, suck it up, get over it, and find another band to like, there are millions of them after all.


To people who say there is no (or not as much) good music anymore:

This statement is the most ludicrous thing I?ve ever heard. Open your ears before you speak. These days it is so easy to record music that more people are making it than ever. If you can?t find anything you like in this great wide world of ours, especially with the internet as a tool, then you are suffering from a severe bout of both laziness and stupidity.

And for the people who say there isn?t as much good music as there used to be, you are being ignorant. Turning on the radio and claiming music isn?t the same based on the Top 40 station you listen to and getting mad because bands like Led Zeppelin aren?t popular anymore is no excuse to say all music sucks. Most of the interesting music these days requires a decent amount digging, whether you like it or not. Hell, if you?re so lazy and you can?t do the work go to or some other music platform like Spotify, where they give you a list of artists similar to the ones you like. It?s not that hard to find good music anymore, but it is when you aren?t even bothering to look.


Okay, I?m done now. Until next week, listen to the new David Bowie album, every single from Wavves? new album Afraid Of Heights, Fidlar?s self-titled debut album (and play it loud as you can), and keep breathing.?


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